4th Krems Dementia Conference
  • Universität für Weiterbildung Krems - Audimax

    Dr. Karl Dorrek Straße 30, 3500 Krems an der Donau, Austria

https://www.donau-uni.ac.at/dementia-conference Thursday 27th April 2023 Location: Audimax, Hybrid 09:00-09:30 Welcome 09:30-10:30 Session 1 Tbd 10:30-11:30 Session 2 Chair: Iva Holmerová (Chair; Charles University, Prague, CZ) Working Title: Innovation in Dementia Research in Europe / Dementia Research 11:30-12:30 Session 3 Chair: Debby Gerritsen (Radboud University Medical Center; The Netherlands) Working title: Innovation in dementia research iinstitutional settings 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-14:45 h Presentation (in German) Stefanie Auer, Margit Höfler, Ulrike Kastler, Elke Lantschik (UWK) Title: Demenz.Aktivgemeinde: Ein Upate Verleihung Demenzkompetente Gemeinde Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Viktoria Weber (Vice-Rector) 14:45 15:00 Coffee Break RESEARCH SUMMIT SERIES # Brain Health - Moving towards strategic solution Dementia is an urgent problem affecting approximately 57.4 million people worldwide and there is currently no cure. The recognition of dementia as a multifactorial disorder encourages the exploration of new pathways to understand its origins, the expression of symptoms and treatment options. The transdisciplinary cooperation between all disciplines and society is the suggested strategy to solve this societal challenge. Location: Audimax, Hybrid 15:00-15:30 Opening Ceremony Mag. Friedrich Faulhammer (Rector) Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Viktoria Weber (Vice-Rector) Univ.-Prof. Stefan Nehrer (Dean of the Medical Faculty) 15:30-16:00 Keynote Lecture 1 Iva Holmerová (Charles University, Prague, CZ) Working Title: European Strategies for Brain Health Promotion 16:00-16:30 Keynote Lecture 2 Prof. Debby Gerritsen (Radboud University Medical Center; The Netherlands) Title : tbd 16:30-17:00 Keynote Lecture 3 Fania Dassen, Frans Verhey (angefragt) online) Working Title: INTERDEM and the research network in The Netherlands 17:00-17:30 Keynote Lecture 4 Prof. Martina Roes (angefragt) (DZNE, Witten-Herdecke, Germany) Title: tbd 17:30-18:15 Discussion & Closing Remarks Stefanie Auer Iva Holmerová, Debby Gerritsen, Martina Roes, Helga Rohra, Verena Tatzer 18:15 Reception Friday April 28th 2023   Post-Conference Workshop: ‘Dementia Leaders’ (invited participants only)  Location: SE-Raum: SE 3.2 and SE 3.3  09:00-17:00  Workshop (in German)  Moderation:    Stefanie Auer  Helga Rohra  Martina Roes

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