youngStars XXL

youngStars XXL

Clubsauna Berlin
Mehringdamm 32, 10961 Berlin, Germany
29 de enero de 2025, 17:00 – 30 de enero de 2025, 1:00
youngStars XXL (inc. 4 Euro Consumption)

Ticket only valid until the age of 27

18,00 €
youngStars (Singleticket, Fullprice)

25,00 €
Clubsauna Berlin

Mehringdamm 32, 10961 Berlin, Germany

  • youngStars XXL (inc. 4 Euro Consumption)

    18,00 € · Ticket only valid until the age of 27

  • youngStars (Singleticket, Fullprice)

    25,00 €
