VIP - Kombiticket (men-only) - sold out

VIP - Kombiticket (men-only) - sold out

Königstraße 49, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany
30 de abril de 2025, 19:00 – 4 de mayo de 2025, 19:00
Selecciona otro evento
VIP - LML/GPS - After Wahl Party - KinkFactory

The ticket includes access to LML and GPS, the after-election parties and the KinkFactory. It also guarantees a front seat, as well as a food and drink package for the MR FETISH BADENWÜRTTEMBERG election and a €25 drink voucher at the KinkFactory.

99,00 €
VIP - LML/GPS - After Wahl Party - KinkFactory - LC/LFC/ECMC Members

Members of the Leather and Fetish Community (LFC), European Community of Motorcycle Clubs (ECMC) and LC Stuttgart e.V. receive a discount. Have your membership card ready!

85,00 €

Königstraße 49, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany

  • VIP - LML/GPS - After Wahl Party - KinkFactory

    99,00 € · The ticket includes access to LML and G…

  • VIP - LML/GPS - After Wahl Party - KinkFactory - LC/LFC/ECMC Members

    85,00 € · Members of the Leather and Fetish Commu…
