"Do Androids Sleep With Electric Sheep?" The Future of Sex and Tech´23
  • Aids Hilfe Wien

    Mariahilfer Gürtel 4, 1060 Wien Wien, Austria

Johannes Grenzfurthner examines the intersection of technology and society, delving into sensitive topics like sexuality and pornography. He explores both the positive and negative depictions of these themes and how they shape our understanding of society and our place within it. One of the central ideas of the talk is that depictions of the future always reflect the present, and the talk explores this idea through the themes of exoticism, alienation, and sexuality. By examining these themes, The talk provides valuable insights for those interested in the future of technology and society. It is essential to look at the current state of technology, such as computer-controlled toys and teledildonics, and to discuss the limitations of current sex toy technology and offers insight into DIY and open-source approaches to sex toy design. We need to raise important questions about how these communities can facilitate further sexual exploration and pleasure for everyone with access to technology. The workshop part tries to shed light on the design strategies that go into creating sex toy interfaces, offers a unique perspective on this often-overlooked aspect of the industry, and provides valuable insights into the current and future state of sex toy technology and how we can benefit from it.

Dieses Event ist bereits vorbei.

Sprache: Deutsch