Workshop / Orgasms and Exquisite Pleasure For Vulva Havers´23
  • Aids Hilfe Wien

    Mariahilfer Gürtel 4, 1060 Wien Wien, Austria

Orgasms and Exquisite Pleasure For Vulva Havers Workshop by Lucy Rowett [she/her] Ever wanted to know how to have an orgasm? Or how to have even more satisfying ones? Orgasms can work differently for women and vulva havers, and it can be a real source of frustration when you can’t cum, no matter how hard you try. Let’s demystify orgasms and start having more of them! In this workshop, you’ll learn your delightful pleasure anatomy, common myths about orgasms, how orgasms work, practical exercises to maximise your orgasms, and some simple body-based exercises from neo-tantra and taoism to move your sexual energy around your body. You will also be invited to talk in pairs and groups. This workshop will be fully clothed, it will include some movement practices, and you take part as much or as little as you want.

Dieses Event ist bereits vorbei.

Sprache: Deutsch